Sorry for the mess!

The site is currently just a collection of information to sort out ideas. If your reading this you likely received it from me and are wondering "Why a web page?". Well I find web pages to be much more malleable and easy to work with then standard documents and spreadsheets which are limited. Being a web designer and programmer the ability to sort the information as I please via easy links instead of page# references was more appealing for the drafting phase of this project then the hectic mess we made of Exitus Sator when we tried to do it all in word documents (gee that went well). If you have any complaints, I invite you to contact me via go fuck yourself.

Artwork is at times inaccurate as it is just ripped off of deviantart or google images for placeholders and because a good drawing takes at minimum several hours, that doesn't help much when just drafting. Deal with it.

At its core, Arcanist is a science fiction/fantasy game with a percent based dice mechanic series geared toward open ended character building. With no classes or pre-defined levels the game is about making your character really YOUR character so you can be whatever you want.

GM's are free to run their own campaigns, alter the lore, or even completely discard the current lore and just use the dice mechanics pages. The deep level of lore is aimed to provide an accessible sandbox environment. GM's who wish to improvise and let their players roam anywhere are given enough to work with so that they can come up with events on the fly in a world rich enough that any GM or player can have enough concrete details to form their own idea of what is happening and what is expected of the area around them. When mention of specific empires and people are made players from different groups can all have a rough idea of what is going on.

Most pre-made campaigns and adventures from Manticore Productions will take place in this solidly defined world, some may be an alternate universe where events are changed to make an interesting story but most of them will use the pre-defined lore to keep consistent for players.

Main categories: